
Stationary templates
We have established design templates for DTU stationary, such as letters, envelopes, email signatures, and business cards.
These templates reflect our corporate brand and only use primary logo and DTU red.
Letters, reports, etc.
In the Word program you can access templates for letters, reports, and notes by clicking "new" and from there select the DTU template section.
You can also download the templates directly from Templates/Forms/AllItems.aspx (DTU login required)
For more information, please go to DTU Inside.

Business cards
For more information, please go to DTU Inside


DTU PowerPoint
You can also download the templates directly from Templates/Forms/AllItems.aspx (DTU login required)
LaTeX presentations
You will find presentation templates in accordance with DTU’s designguidelines on DTU's Overleaf portal here: Overleaf portalLink to internal files: Internal files

Examples of presentation layouts
Below are examples of the layout possibilities within the templates.