DTU's design guide

One identity
DTU’s visual identity underscores and highlights the growth and development DTU has undergone over time. The University’s global position and goals demand a design that offers more freedom, and sets the direction without being a straitjacket. The old identity was created before DTU had become a master brand. It was developed primarily for print media, and later adapted to the world of digital media. The updated visual identity reflects the brand narrative and meets the visual demands of modern digital media.
Using these guidelines
The clear expression and instant recognition of the DTU brand depends upon the consistent application of key visual elements.
By providing examples of correct usage this guide aims to clarify and simplify the process of selecting and positioning these key elements.
The design guide is relevant and applicable to all employees and students at DTU.
DTU’s visual identity and digital design guide were created in 2018 by DTU’s communication office in collaboration with We Love People and Urgent.Agency.
DTU holds all rights to the design programme—including all copyrights.